The film received mainly negative reviews from critics. Taran Adarsh from Bollywood Hungama gave the film 2.5/5 and said "Gali Gali Chor Hai amuses intermittently, Fortunately the movie goes public at a juncture when anti-corruption appears to be the essence of the season. But the film could've done with a far more hard-hitting conclusion". Avijit Ghosh from Times of India also gave it 2.5/5 stating that "Gali Gali Chor Hai doesn't live up to its promise. Just like the anti-corruption movement at the moment. Rajeev Masand of Ibnlive gave it two stars saying "Never smart enough to be described as a satire, it fails ultimately because it's dreadfully dull"] Mansha Rastogi of nowrunning rated it two stars and said "Having a relatable plot at hand, Gali Gali Chor Hai, could've worked with a tighter screenplay and better execution". Karan Anshuman from the Mumbai Mirror gave it 1.5/5 and said "GGCH seems not only incomplete in thought but also technically: Basic scene to scene transitions missing, uneven sound". Shubhra Gupta from The Indian Express also rated it 1.5/5 mentioning that "Gali Gali Mein Chor Hai’ pours old wine into a cracked bottle. When the need of the hour is to underplay, everyone opens their mouth out loud, and yells. The only relatively new thing is the setting".
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